Research Area: Community Development
Mountain and the Valley: Multi-community Storytelling and Visual Expression
Dr. April Mandrona of NSCAD and Chris O'Neill, Executive Director of Ross Creek Centre for the Arts to share writing and visual arts practices with community members in the Valley area.
Understanding Housing and Homelessness Issues in Richmond County and Strait Area
Dr. Lilla Roy, Cape Breton University, and Amanda Mombourquette, Strait-Richmond Housing Matter Coalition will work together with their teams to improve the data required to make decisions on affordable housing in the region.
Togetherness Apart: Building Community Through Art and Education in a time of COVID
Dr. Karin Cope, NSCAD will work with Kim Thompson and her staff at The Deanery to explore artist-centered research, and its role in promoting social engagement in rural communities.
Community Climate Change Engagement
A community project with the Town of New Glasgow led by Dr. Corrine Cash (StFX) and Rachel Mitchell, (Climate and Sustainability Manager, Town of New Glasgow)
Rural Agri-Business and Immigrant Engagement
Dr. Claudia DuFeuentes from Saint Mary's University is working with Chris Atwood, Executive Director of CBDC Bluewater to explore the potential to attract immigrants with agri-business skills and expertise to the Eastern Shore region of Nova Scotia.
Happy Community Project
Dr. Mary Sweatman and her student researcher worked with Barry Braun (front, right), Founder of the Happy Community Project, to document the process being developed by their organization so that it can be shared with others interested in leveraging this process of creating community engagement in their community. (Bkgnd photo: Falls Lake by @timberfoster)